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Bridge Watchkepping and Collision Avoidance

Course code
Course category
Simulator Courses
3 days
The candidates must be holders of certificates satisfying the requirements of Regulation II/1 or II/2 of the STCW Convention or appropriate diploma. They shall also previously complete radar observation and plotting course as per IMO model Course 1.07.
Training location
Trpimirova 2/XI, Rijeka
Course objective

The course aim is for the watchkeeping officer to develop and discuss key aspects of watchkeeping; the focus is on delivery of pragmatic techniques and best-practice that will benefit mariners and improve watchkeeping standards. Additionally, there is discussion of key areas of the COLREG.

Upon completion of the course, participants should be able to gain thorough understanding on the Basic Principles to be observed in keeping a Navigational Watch, particularly on collision regulation and consequently practice and apply know-how in performing navigational watch in a simulated environment.


Upon successful completion of the course, the trainee will receive a Bridge Watchkeeping and Collision Avoidance course certificate.

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If you have trouble or questions regarding the training courses, please contact us at:

+385 51 444 800

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