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OPRC Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation Level 2.

Course code
Course category
4 days
Training location
Trpimirova 2/XI, Rijeka
Course objective

The IMO Model Training Course on OPRC Level 2 is intended for Supervisors and  On Scene Commanders in cases of oill spills as per IMO requirements. The course focuses and provides a broad range of knowledge and allows participants to develop the skills to effectively manage or supervise an oill spill response team.


On successful completion of the course, the trainee will receive a course completion certificate Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation (OPRC) Level 2.

Certificate of Compliance given by the Ministry of Sea, Transport and Infrastructure of Republic of Croatia.

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If you have trouble or questions regarding the training courses, please contact us at:

+385 51 444 800

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